When duty calls: Canadian doctor on the job in Mississippi
Shreena Dhawan is a Canadian doctor working in Jackson, Mississippi. When other Canadians started making their way back to Canada at the beginning of the COVID crisis, she decided to stay put.
Elite athletes at uOttawa: Staying fit while staying at home
The outbreak of COVID-19 has broken a steady routine for athletes and athletic trainers. How do you keep your edge if you’re cooped up at home?
Strained back or sprained ankle: Who are you going to call?
Warm weather can bring out the wannabe athlete in us, and that can bring on injuries. What can people do amidst the pandemic?
Recipe for de-stress: Fun, furry, virtual therapy dogs
Carleton's Therapy Dogs usually make themselves available for pats and play in person. That’s obviously out, but their handlers decided the pups are needed now even more than ever.
A diabetic’s experience of the COVID-19 pandemic
As a diabetic, Diana Dwerryhouse is at risk of experiencing severe illness from COVID-19 and encourages others to stay home in order to protect our society's most vulnerable.
Podcast: The COVID Chronicles, final episode
In this last installment of the pandemic podcast, find out more about the third year Carleton students behind this project, as well as their reports on life under quarantine.
On lockdown: A state of emergency in one Ontario town
Ontario towns, including Orangeville, are shut down amidst the Covid-19 pandemic and state of emergency declaration.
Hunting, gathering and sharing: Ottawa community helping ensure access to food during COVID-19 crisis
During the COVID-19 pandemic Ottawa's community is helping the Ottawa Food Bank support a higher demand of families. Good samaritans are also helping families who are not resorting to the food bank.
Planking the COVID-19 curve with online yoga classes
Innergy Corporate Yoga is using the online conferencing platform Zoom to stream live classes to clients.
COVID-19 increasing mental health concerns along with physical damage, experts say
With COVID-19 social distancing in effect, experts say it is important to be mindful of our mental health while in isolation.
Food banks in Ottawa face unprecedented challenges
Food banks in Ottawa overcome exceptional challenges to meet exceptional needs.
At a distance: Rural churches navigate COVID-19 closures
As churches across Ontario are forced to shut down physical gatherings, a few rural communities are delving into online exploration.