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Capital Currently

As Ottawa develops climate risk strategy, report warns of growing flood risks in years to come

The Urban Flood Information Report presented to the City of Ottawa’s Environment and Climate Change Committee March 19 highlights the work the city has done over the years to mitigate flood risks but also warns that flood risks are going to continue to rise in the coming years. Over the past few years, Ottawa has seen record-breaking floods, major storms...

Waiting for the dough: One Ontario family’s life in limbo on the list for autism services

There are just more that 53,000 places in the Rogers Centre for eager baseball fans supporting the Toronto Blue Jays. Replace each fan with a child on Ontario’s waitlist for autism services and there still wouldn’t be enough room.  The Durand-Shea family of the Durham region occupies three of those seats. As the mother of seven-year-old triplet boys who are...