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Sobey Art Award shortlist features diverse group of talented artists

Born in Sudan, Azza El Siddique makes art inspired by the ancient Egyptian and Nubian mortuary temples that are part of the artistic and cultural heritage of her homeland.  Her installations, according to the New-York based non-profit Amant, address “the manifestation of mortality, science, mythology, and spirituality in systems of power.” And the work has also captured the imagination of the judges of the Sobey Art Award,...

Remembrance, remotely

In the midst of a surge in second-wave COVID-19 cases, Canadians paused on Nov. 11 to remember the sacrifices of soldiers who died and veterans who survived the First and Second World War, conflicts in Korea, Afghanistan and peacekeeping missions around the world. The pandemic made Remembrance Day 2020 a mostly virtual, physically distanced commemoration — a very different kind...