Despite the volatility, the allure of riches keeps many invested in Bitcoin
The crypto market continues to swing, but investment interest remains.
Make pleasure part of healing, sexologist advises assault victims in campus talk
Assault survivors needs to find a way through their trauma and one tool they can use is pleasure, says a sexologist.
Silver lining: Incoming polar vortex may help Rideau Canal Skateway to finally open
A polar vortex may be headed this way bringing freezing temperatures. But the good news is the cold may help open up the Rideau Canal Skateway.
The 25th Hour: Murals – Art as Activism
Throughout history, murals have been seen as a tool of creative activism.
For the birds: The joys of counting down to spring with winter FeederWatch in Canada, U.S.
Project FeederWatch is a great way for scientists to directly engage with citizens to make broad observations about birds.
Teen science whiz adds Nature Inspiration Award to long list of achievements
Ottawa area teen Naila Moloo recently won the Nature Inspiration Award from the Canadian Museum of Nature for her innovative leadership on projects such as the creation of flexible solar panels.
Remembering a century-old fight for French-language rights in Ontario
A recent talk presented by the Historical Society of Ottawa recalled a significant event in the battle for French-language education and culture in Ontario.
Growing up meant learning to love my curly hair after years of hating it
Capital Current's Maya Riachi has curly hair but taking care of it is tricky. Until she learned how, she writes, she struggled with it.
Councillor, animal expert seek peaceful co-existence between humans, coyotes
On Nov. 5 the Ottawa Citizen reported that wildlife management operations had captured and euthanized three highly disruptive coyotes signalling a need for a management plan.
Chef escapes war in Ukraine, brings expert culinary creations to Ottawa café
Chef Nasser Saleh has brought his talents to Ottawa after fleeing the war in Ukraine.
‘You’re improving the quality of life of somebody’: Diversifying blood and stem cell donations saves lives, experts say
With blood diseases like sickle cell anemia disproportionately affecting people of colour, diversifying the blood and stem cell donors can make a difference
It’s a wrap: Spotify’s year-end snapshot of users’ music tastes is a holiday treat
For Capital Current's Andrea Pulgarin Villasmil, Spotify Wrapped season gives rise to some entertaining controversies online.