Why we march
This story first aired on 25th Hour on March 14, 2018 Produced by Nadine Yousif, Selene Tan, and Hadiah Sakurai Early this year, the city of Ottawa came together in solidarity to march for the rights of all minorities for the second time. The Women’s March Ottawa drew in thousands of people, even more than the previous year. Yet, behind...
Capital Current Staff ,
March 14, 2018
1 min read
I am Apollo
This story first aired on The 25th Hour on February 7, 2018 Produced by Arvin Joaquin, Jordan Steinhauer, and Atong Ater Words are powerful. They have the ability to shape one’s future. Ottawa poet, Apollo the Child has witnessed this in his own life. Words became his light… His savior. And now his weapon for self-discovery.
Capital Current Staff ,
February 7, 2018
1 min read