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Tag: #CapitalCurrently

Capital Currently

IN THE NEWS: Tuesday, Feb. 4

Good morning Ottawa! Environment Canada forecasts a high of 2°C today and a low of -11°C tonight. Here are the headlines for this morning: More teacher strikes to hit Ottawa-area schools  After negotiations with the government have so far failed to reach an agreement, the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario will hold a one-day strike at some school boards in...
Capital Currently

IN THE NEWS: Thursday, Oct. 3

Good morning and bundle up. Environment Canada says the high temperature today will only be 10ºC with a low expected at 4ºC under grey skies and occasional showers or drizzle. But these stories should warm you up. School support staff strike looms Two unions that represent school support staff in Ontario including receptionists, education assistants and other essential employees, say...
Capital Currently

IN THE NEWS: Wednesday, Oct. 2

Bundle up. Environment Canada sees a high of  13°C with periods of rain expected. Temperature will tumble to just 3°C tonight. Here’s more of what you need to know today: Four federal leaders face-off tonight The highly anticipated French debate is on tonight. Conservative leader Andrew Scheer, New Democrat Jagmeet Singh, Yves-François Blanchet of the Bloc Quebecois, and Liberal leader...
Capital Currently

IN THE NEWS: Tuesday, Oct. 1

Happy October! Crisp fall weather is on hold as temperatures reach a high of 23°C in the afternoon with a chance of thundershowers, according to Environment Canada. The low tonight is 12°C. Here’s what is going on in Ottawa currently: OC Transpo fares rise Be prepared to fork out an extra dime on your daily commute this morning – a...