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Author: Emma Rektor

Man stands in front of large Ottawa sign in the Byward market
Capital Currently

IN THE NEWS: Tuesday, March 24

Good morning, Ottawa. It is mainly cloudy and -2°C. It will remain cloudy for most of the day and temperatures will rise to a high of 4°C. Skies will clear late this evening and it will drop to -6°C. Environment Canada has details. The Ontario government has released the list of workplaces considered essential and that are allowed to stay...
Man in winter clothing stands by the Ottawa sign in downtown
Capital Currently

IN THE NEWS: Tuesday, March 17

Good Morning, Ottawa. It is 1°C . Showers and wet flurries are expected to continue until midday. The temperature will reach a high of 6°C. In the evening, it will be cloudy with a 30 per cent chance of showers. Wind gusts of 20 to 40 km/h will become light and the temperature will drop overnight to -9°C. As health officials...