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Author: Merna Emara


‘Sunshine List’ has more than 4,600 Ottawa employees, but is the list still useful?

More than 4,600 City of Ottawa employees earned more than $100,000 last year, according to the annual salary disclosure released recently by the Ontario government, a list of which some question the accuracy and relevance. The disclosure, more commonly known as the ‘Sunshine List,’ named 4,644 municipal employees in 2019. There were only 3,828 city employees on the list in...
Man in winter clothing stands by the Ottawa sign in downtown
Capital Currently

IN THE NEWS: Monday, Feb. 10

Good morning Ottawa! Environment Canada forecasts a high of -4°C today and a low of -14°C tonight with a risk of freezing drizzle late in the morning and in the afternoon. Here are the headlines for this morning: Quarantined Ottawa man keeping spirits up in Trenton Kai Huang and his 78-year-old mother, Yi Huang, were among 176 Canadians flown back...
Man in winter clothing stands by the Ottawa sign in downtown
Capital Currently

IN THE NEWS: Tuesday, Feb. 4

Good morning Ottawa! Environment Canada forecasts a high of 2°C today and a low of -11°C tonight. Here are the headlines for this morning: More teacher strikes to hit Ottawa-area schools  After negotiations with the government have so far failed to reach an agreement, the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario will hold a one-day strike at some school boards in...