Welcome to Adaawewigamig: New store in Byward Market offers a cultural touchstone for Indigenous youth
The Assembly of Seven Generations hosted celebrations in Byward Market for National Indigenous Peoples Day and their new store front.
Roll With It: The digital future of Dungeons and Dragons in a post-COVID universe
The resurgence of Dungeons and Dragons sparked the development of online versions of the venerable game often played in the past in person.
Self-publishing trend surges amid pandemic demand for new literature
Self-publishing is gaining traction as writers turn away from traditional publishers and take charge of their own books.
Planned redevelopment of Byward Market parkade a ‘once-in-a-generation opportunity’ for the city
The City of Ottawa is inviting possible partners to submit proposals for redevelopment for the largest parking parkade in Byward Market
After virtual events, Vanier Sugar Festival looks ahead to in-person celebration — and rebuilt shack — next year
As April brought warmer (and muddier) days to Ottawa, it also brought an age-old Canadian tradition that one urban sugar shack has been continuing in the capital for 37 years now: the production of maple syrup.
Couponing can help inflation-weary consumers keep money in their pockets, say discount hunters
Rising prices are posing a real problem for many households, but experienced couponers say that there are ways to save through the many offers made available by sellers.
Driven by nostalgia and pandemic angst, vinyl thrives in the digital age — could CDs be next?
Vinyl record sales are soaring driven by the interest on people under 34 years of age.
Quaint or cruel? Animal-rights activists want horse-drawn carriages around the world off the streets
Activists are putting a focus on horse-drawn carriages operating in cities and calling for an end to the practice.
Young people helping to fashion a more sustainable market for secondhand clothing
The secondhand clothing market is booming led by younger people who care about sustainability, affordability, and an independent or unique style.
Supports for downtown Ottawa businesses follow convoy nightmare
Local businesses affected by convoy occupation closures are getting some support from the government and the community.
Federal affordable internet program welcomed but some worry about those left out
The federal government is set to announce a new affordable high-speed internet for low-income families and seniors, but some students feel left out due to narrow restrictions.
Unmasked: Ontario retailers, shoppers warily adjust after indoor mandate ends
Ottawa shoppers adapt to new public health measure as the province lifted indoor mask mandates on March 21.