Ottawa’s hard-hit tourism sector faces an uncertain future amid pandemic
Tourism spending in Canada is down, leaving Ottawa's tourism industry in crisis. The city is positioned to lose $1.4 billion in tourism spending in 2020.
Cooking for a Cause Ottawa shows what the power of good food can achieve
A food security initiative that was started due to COVID-19, hopes to continue operations into 2021.
Time to Fall Back
Before you go to bed Saturday night, remember to set your clock back one hour. Sunrise and sunset will be about an hour earlier on Sunday, but there will be more light in the morning. We are gonna need that sun as winter closes in, this year especially.
Paper bags just as environmentally damaging as plastic bags, experts say
With Canada getting ready to ban plastic bags by the end of 2021, experts are warning its most popular alternative has environmentally damaging consequences of its own.
Pandemic Pets: Consider the consequences when you adopt, experts say
Amid the pandemic the demand for pets has increased, but post-pandemic conditions may pose problems for these furry companions.
Ottawa pagans prepare to observe a physically distanced tradition on Oct. 31
Samhain, a Celtic holiday from which Halloween originates, normally involves witch balls, parties, and group rituals for Ottawa pagans. Pandemic restrictions mean community members must stay home.
Bored into beautiful: The pandemic has inspired people to embrace their creative side
Crystal D’Souza was scrolling through Tik Tok to pass the time under COVID-19 restrictions when she was struck with inspiration while watching tutorials on how to frame pressed flowers. She thought it was a cool idea. “I made the first one for my friend Katherine’s birthday and then other friends wanted one and I had a lot of spare time,...
Ottawa snowbirds prepare for a winter at home
Hundreds of thousands of Canadian snowbirds will find themselves snow-bound this winter due to COVID-19. For those staying in Ottawa, a harsh winter climate raises concerns.
Perfect weather driving massive crowds to apple orchards, forcing managers to tighten COVID rules
Apple picking season has successfully kicked off, but massive crowds and lack of masks pose problems.
Home for the High Holidays: Synagogues adapt services for pandemic times
The Jewish High Holiday season is here. But like most things in the times of coronavirus, holiday traditions and celebrations will look very different this year.