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Category: News


Documentary holds a mirror up to the issue of skin lightening

Since the 1970s, Fair & Lovely has been a popular face cream in many countries around the world. It’s especially well-known in South Asia, and throughout the South Asian diaspora. It isn’t sold directly by the company in Canada, though consumers in this country can obtain the cream from product importers — and sometimes on store shelves. But against the...
Capital Currently

In the News Monday Aug. 31

5 restaurant workers test positive for COVD-19 in Gatineau Five employees of Shaker Cuisine and Mixologie in Gatineau, Que., have tested positive for COVID-19. The company made the announcement on its Facebook page Sunday afternoon, adding that the employees are self-isolating for 10 days. CBC has more. Demonstrators protest pandemic safety measures Hundreds of demonstrators gathered on Parliament Hill Saturday to...