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Author: Maryse Matar

View overlooking the canal, Parliament Hill peaks over the trees in the background.
Capital Currently

IN THE NEWS: Thursday, Sept. 16

Ottawans can expect a mainly clear sky and sunny day with fog patches dissipating in the morning. Environment Canada expects a high of 23C and a low of 10C.  Two decades later, Shoal Lake 40 First Nation gets clean drinking water  The Shoal Lake 40 First Nation community in northeast Manitoba celebrates the opening of a water treatment facility and...
Arts & Culture

Lookahead ’21: Lebanese arts hub hopes to offer in-person, digital classes with fall relaunch

Tony Yazbek, the driving force in promoting Lebanese arts and culture in Ottawa, said he’s hoping for a fall re-launch of programming in updated studio spaces equipped for both in-person and virtual classes. In 1976, at the height of his career as a professional dancer and choreographer, Yazbek left Lebanon because of a civil war that was raging. After settling...