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Category: Canada


The displacement effect: Ontario’s ‘disconnected’ online school system pushing educators to breaking point

When asked about teaching during the pandemic, Meaghan Beatty’s shoulders sink and her fingers fidget with the edges of her cup. Beatty, who has taught kindergarten north of Toronto for 16 years, is a victim of what psychologists are describing as an epidemic of “educator burnout.” “I felt guilty not being the teacher I used to be,” she said in...

Groups decry lack of ‘targeted supports’ for post-secondary students in Ontario’s COVID-recovery budget

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to create financial distress for millions of Ontario residents, some groups say post-secondary students have been left to fend for themselves financially despite the recent provincial budget promises to provide support in the post-pandemic recovery. Ontario’s Action Plan: Protecting People’s Health and Our Economy outlines a plan to defeat the coronavirus and help Ontarians overcome the financial suffering...