Ottawa Police research measures to reduce gun violence
The Ottawa Police Services Board has launched a search for ideas about the best way to prevent gun violence on the city’s streets
Councillors reject plan to block unpopular Château Laurier addition — with regrets
City councillors expressed regret — and one stated bluntly she’d made “a mistake” she couldn’t reverse — as a wildly unpopular design for an addition to the landmark Château Laurier was effectively given final approval last week.
Ottawa police to increase presence in ByWard Market
Ottawa police to increase presence in ByWard Market, Downtown Rideau, and Vanier areas.
Fifth annual diversity celebration welcomes 27 new Canadians
The Ottawa Police Service held their fifth annual diversity celebration on Thursday, including a citizenship ceremony that welcomed 27 new Canadian citizens.
Celebrating Canada Day downtown in photos
Woman excited to be a part of Canada Day celebration at Major’s Hill Park. [Photo © Juwairiya Kembo] Group dressed as ninjas outside of Parliament Hill gets attention from passing viewers heading to the Hill. [Photo © Juwairiya Kembo] One of the many couples who came together to celebrate Canada Day on Parliament Hill. [Photo © Juwairiya Kembo] Group...
City to consider a ban on single-use plastic
City council voted unanimously on Wednesday morning to look into banning single-use plastics from municipal programs and facilities. The motion—tabled by Somerset councillor Catherine McKenney—passed at committee last week. However, the city is bound by a vending contract with Coca-Cola. Although the contract ended in 2016, plastic bottles continue to be sold in municipal buildings since the city has not...
Ottawa’s first interfaith safety forum held to address increase in hate crimes
Ottawa Police Service (OPS) held their first forum on interfaith safety on June 18, following several hate-motivated crimes in the city.
Environment committee backs motion to ban single-use plastic in municipal buildings
The City of Ottawa’s environmental committee voted in favour of a motion to develop a plan for eliminating single-use plastic in municipal buildings. Councillor Catherine McKenney introduced the motion on Tuesday and it was passed by a unanimous vote. The vote comes almost a week after prime minister Justin Trudeau announced a ban on single-use plastic by 2021. McKenney said...
Sudanese community remembers victims
The Sudanese community in Ottawa, along with supporters, gathered in the ByWard Market Sunday night to remember the lives of those who died in Sudan during pro-democracy protests. The demonstrations follow a military coup that ousted former president Omar al-Bashir from power.
Advocates say deaf community will see positive ‘domino effect’ from bill C-81
May 29, 2019, was a historic day for the Canadian deaf community. It was the day American Sign Language (ASL), Langue des signes du Québec (LSQ), and Indigenous Sign Language (ISL) were recognized as the primary languages of deaf Canadians. This recognition is part of bill C-81, a broad federal accessibility bill tabled last year—currently awaiting royal assent. Todd Tobin, Carleton...
Community discussion on Canada-U.S. ‘immigration debate’ ahead of federal election
Aditya Rao and Karen Cocq host understanding the immigration debate at the Ottawa Art Gallery.
University of Ottawa lab takes aim at cancer stem cells
Dr. Yannick Benoit is focusing his research on cancer stem cells.