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High rises on Carling get green light despite fears of impact on Experimental Farm

Ottawa’s Planning and Housing Committee found itself caught in a battle between the province’s ongoing housing crisis and concerns about food research at the Central Experimental Farm during its meeting Sept. 20. Housing won the day. At issue was the approval of a zoning by-law amendment at 1081 Carling Ave. The amendment included a proposal for the construction of two...

Waiting for the dough: One Ontario family’s life in limbo on the list for autism services

There are just more that 53,000 places in the Rogers Centre for eager baseball fans supporting the Toronto Blue Jays. Replace each fan with a child on Ontario’s waitlist for autism services and there still wouldn’t be enough room.  The Durand-Shea family of the Durham region occupies three of those seats. As the mother of seven-year-old triplet boys who are...

Sobey Art Award shortlist features diverse group of talented artists

Born in Sudan, Azza El Siddique makes art inspired by the ancient Egyptian and Nubian mortuary temples that are part of the artistic and cultural heritage of her homeland.  Her installations, according to the New-York based non-profit Amant, address “the manifestation of mortality, science, mythology, and spirituality in systems of power.” And the work has also captured the imagination of the judges of the Sobey Art Award,...