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Tag: cdnpoli


‘Names Hurt’: Confronting the embedded racism in Ottawa streets and landmarks linked to slavery

In the wake of the North America-wide anti-racism protests spawned by the Minneapolis police killing of George Floyd, Canada has seen a growing movement to highlight systems of oppression and systemic racism. As a part of this, citizens have begun to question the symbols around Canadian cities that honour racist figures and they are pushing for renaming's.

The death of Joyce Echaquan: ‘Indigenous people know it’s not unique’

Joyce Echaquan’s tragic death and the racist verbal abuse she faced while receiving medical treatment has shocked many Canadians, but her experience is far from an isolated incident, say Indigenous and non-Indigenous leaders alike. “Indigenous people know it’s not unique,” said Lorraine Whitman, head of the Native Women’s Association of Canada. Acknowledging that, four senior federal ministers convened a virtual...

Liberal MP Francis Drouin open to renaming federal riding that honours 19th-century slave owner Peter Russell

Liberal MP Francis Drouin, who represents the Ottawa-area constituency of Glengarry-Prescott-Russell, says he’s open to renaming his riding to erase its association with 19th-century slave owner Peter Russell. Russell, a top-level administrator in Upper Canada in the late 1700s and early 1800s, fought for special exemptions for slave owners, including himself, when the British colony passed the Anti-Slavery Act in...