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Author: Michaela Bax-Leaney

virtual city council

Council calls for Chiarelli’s resignation after damning report details harassment allegations

Ottawa city council has demanded the resignation of Rick Chiarelli after the second of report by the integrity commissioner detailed alleged acts of sexual harassment committed by the College ward councillor in his City Hall office. The year-long investigation into five claims of sexual harassment of female staff by Chiarelli recommended the harshest possible sanctions available to municipalities, including those...
A gloved hand holds a syringe

Bad timing: Flu shot delayed as season nears

Canada’s annual battle against the flu is getting a late start this year because of a vaccine shortage, with some public immunization clinics pushing back their start dates. The delay comes as North America steels itself for what could be a particularly bad flu season based on recently released data from Australia’s Department of Health, which experienced a significantly higher...