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Author: Morgan Pepin

Arts & Culture

A crafter’s life: As winter sets in, Amanda Carrigan picks up her knitting needles

In a world mostly concerned with getting product to market quickly, there are some who still take the time to create something by hand. Spinners, knitters and textile crafters continue to create beautiful and unique mittens, scarves and sweaters for sale. Most crafters begin as a hobbyist before developing it into a business. Amanda Carrigan, a spinner, knitter and dyer...
Riding Profiles

Liberals’ Marie-France Lalonde holds riding vacated by ex-MP Andrew Leslie

ELECTION NIGHT UPDATE: Liberal candidate Marie-France Lalonde took the seat by a wide margin over runner-up Conservative contender David Bertschi and third-place finisher Jacqui Wiens of the NDP. The riding was previously held by Liberal MP Andrew Leslie, who decided not to seek re-election. Residents of the Orléans riding now know who will carry the Liberal standard in the federal...