The beauty business faces an ugly turn during COVID-19
Prestige beauty takes a hit worldwide as the coronavirus pandemic shows no signs of slowing down.
Market on the cusp of a makeover with council vote Wednesday
City council to vote on $129 million ByWard Market new public realm plan Wednesday with beautification and and pedestrian priority at the forefront.
Teens, tech and COVID-19: Finding the balance
Electronic media have been a lifeline for many workers and students through the COVID-19 pandemic but the increasing reliance on devices has many parents asking ‘how much is too much?’ In a recent study from the Chicago Children’s Hospital, 63 per cent of parents reported their teens were using social media platforms more than usual during the pandemic. Kim Highland,...
OK Created: channelling quarantine creativity into a small business
Unable to find a job this past summer due to COVID-19, Carleton student Olivia Kabelin turned her quarantine hobby into a small art business. Here’s a look into that journey.
Love in the age of COVID: How the pandemic has revolutionized online dating
It was a dull, grey afternoon in April when Jordyn McDonald, 20, finally took the plunge and joined Tinder. She wasn’t even really looking for a date. After eight long weeks in lockdown in her Northern Ontario home of 8,500 people, she just felt unbearably lonely. “The isolation in my hometown was a super lonely experience and personally, it was...
Meditation on the rise as pandemic stress intensifies
Meditation is an effective tool to mitigate pandemic stress and virtual Ottawa meditation classes are increasingly gaining popularity.
Saying goodbye to the Bytowne underlines importance of supporting small cinemas
Following announcement of its closure, the Bytowne Cinema is proof why we shouldn't take our city's slowly-disappearing gems for granted.
Tiny house, big benefits: Living with less can make you happier, research shows
Living tiny is proving to have big benefits. People are choosing the tiny house lifestyle to downsize the space they live in, simplify their life, and live efficiently with less - and it's having a big impact on homeowner happiness.
Time to support struggling local businesses
The holiday season is upon us and now more than ever is the time to support local businesses, which, as it happens, is safe and easy, despite the pandemic.
Ottawa food stores balance low-waste mission with customer safety during COVID-19
Low waste grocery stores change protocols to try to produce less waste through single use plastic while containers are banned from some stores due to COVID-19.
Online LGBTQ-friendly business directory helps shoppers feel safe
Dapper and Daring is an online LGBTQ-friendly business directory for the Ottawa area, poised to help shoppers feel safe from discrimination.
COVID is reshaping holiday traditions, shopping
Like many things in 2020, the holiday season will look a little bit different this year as COVID-19 cases continue to hit record highs all across the country.