Indie theatre in Ottawa fights for creativity amidst convoy chaos and COVID constraints
Many venues have shut their doors to protect the safety of civilians and workers alike. But despite the ongoing occupation and the ongoing threat of COVID-19, one little indie theatre is fighting to keep dreams and creativity alive.
In wake of Sloly resignation, convoy crackdown looming; Ottawa gets new interim police chief
Police issue warnings to protesters warning of arrests, charges and the seizure of vehicles if they do not vacate the city.
Protecting the peat: Conservationists have bought a bit of the threatened Alfred Bog
Conservationists have announced the purchase of a small chunk of the environmentally sensitive and important Alfred Bog east of Ottawa. Capital Current explains the implications. The purchase will help protect the largest remaining chunk of privately owned peatland in southern Ontario’s largest bog – but it’s still a tiny fraction of a rapidly shrinking ecosystem
In an historic decision, Justin Trudeau invokes Emergencies Act in bid to end convoy protests and border blockades
More than 50 years after Pierre Elliott Trudeau enacted the War Measures Act to combat Quebec’s 1970 FLQ crisis, his son looks to quell the 18-day ongoing trucker convoy via the modern-equivalent Emergencies Act.
Vaccine passport ending March 1, Ford says
Ontario is rolling back pandemic restrictions including ending the vaccine passport on March 1.
Ottawa Police chief asks for an additional 1,800 police and civilian staff to manage convoy
Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly has asked for 1,800 more police and civilian personnel to help bring the Freedom Convoy protest to an end.
Time to go home, Ottawa mayor tells Freedom Convoy protesters
Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson said it is time for the Freedom Convoy protesters to pack up their trucks and head home.
Statistics on school absences cause concern for some in Renfrew County
New Ontario data shows absence reports for students and staff. Parents of Renfrew County students are concerned this is not enough.
Pandemic pet craze taking toll on mental health of already over-stretched veterinarians
Gruelling hours. Heart-wrenching scenes of patients in pain or taking their last breath. Trying to console a grieving client over the phone. Those are just some of the trials veterinarians face daily as they struggle to cope with the fallout from soaring rates of pet adoption during the pandemic. “Work culture in veterinary medicine is not great,” said Karine Eusanio,...
As 401,000 newcomers reach Canada in 2021, members of immigrant families reflect on their experiences
Ontario is the most popular destination for immigrants coming to Canada. Four individuals from immigrant families discuss their experiences with belonging to this country.
Bank of Canada Museum acquires 1911 silver dollar deemed country’s greatest rarity
The Bank of Canada Museum is celebrating the acquisition of a rare 1911 silver dollar, known as The Emperor.
Canada should deter speculation by foreign-owned giants, reap grassroots growth through cannabis review
Three years after its legalization, Canada's cannabis industry is being reviewed. The government should use this opportunity to encourage local growth.