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Category: Canada


Lookahead ’21: Finding funds during pandemic poses key challenge for Rouge River protection group

The Rouge Valley Conservation Centre’s focus for 2021 is to shore up much-needed funding and restarting projects put on hold by the pandemic. The Toronto-area RVCC is a registered not-for-profit charity funded by grants and public donations. The organization, which promotes protection of the Rouge River Valley on its course from the Oak Ridges Moraine in Richmond Hill to Lake...

Lookahead ’21: Alberta seniors club helps community battle pandemic isolation

For many members of the Okotoks and District Seniors Club, which serves the town of 31,000 south of Calgary, the pandemic has meant learn how to use technology or face long stretches of loneliness. “The main thing for the seniors is the social aspect,” said Valerie Thom, the club’s outreach co-ordinator. And connecting people remains the ODSC’s priority today. Even...