Women’s support services in Ottawa struggling to keep up with rising domestic abuse cases
Domestic abuse cases continue to rise across the country. Ottawa services face a challenge in delivering the support women need.
In The News: Friday, Feb. 12
Capital Current presents some morning news highlights.
Plan to scrap ‘racist’ streaming in Grade 9 hailed as major step for Black students in Ontario
Beginning in Grade 9, all the way through his high school career, Ethan Itwaru had a ritual of visiting the guidance counsellor once a year. His annual battle to secure the grades he needed to earn in some of his classes had him regularly questioning whether to switch to the hands-on applied stream or stay in the post-secondary-track academic stream....
Lookahead ’21: Niagara conservation group aims to revitalize region’s tree cover
Growing up in the Niagara Region, Barry Porter has watched as the land he has lived on over the years has seen increased commercial and residential development, which in turn has caused a lot of deforestation. Porter is today the stewardship director for Land Care Niagara. This year he has a goal to identify and revitalize those areas in the...
Watson has ‘burned a bridge’ after Council votes to move controversial development forward, Algonquin Elder says
Ottawa City Council voted in favour of including Tewin into new urban boundary, this Wednesday, with a vote of 16 to 8, creating further controversy with Algonquin Nation.
In The News: Wednesday, Feb. 10
Capital Current offers some morning news highlights.
Becoming a mother in the age of COVID-19 can be “isolating”
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an upset of routines and traditions, but for expecting mothers and new parents, a pivotal period in their lives has been completely rewritten.
Lookahead ’21: Council on Aging aims to keep Ottawa seniors connected through the pandemic
The Council on Aging is working hard to help seniors navigate the changes caused by COVID-19.
Lookahead ’21: Youth mentorship program in Peel partners with Tim Hortons for virtual fundraiser
Big Brothers Big Sisters in Peel Region partners with Tom Hortons for virtual fundraiser
Tracking COVID-19: Feb. 8
Ontario has reported it has now seen 278,207 total cases of COVID-19, adding 1,489 infections today. The death toll rose by 22 to 6,505. There are 926 people in hospital, down 95, with 335 in intensive care, up 10, 233 on a ventilator, up five. There are 517 new cases in Toronto, 261 in Peel and 121 in York Region....