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Tag: ottnews

Capital Currently

Residents worry about future management of Lansdowne by OSEG

A proposal that would see the Ottawa Sports and Entertainment Group (OSEG) operate all of Lansdowne Park is raising concerns for local residents. Those concerns were raised at a packed meeting Monday night in the Horticulture Building. In a document released Oct. 25 OSEG requested that the city give it all programming and site operations at Lansdowne. OSEG currently oversees,...

Bad timing: Flu shot delayed as season nears

Canada’s annual battle against the flu is getting a late start this year because of a vaccine shortage, with some public immunization clinics pushing back their start dates. The delay comes as North America steels itself for what could be a particularly bad flu season based on recently released data from Australia’s Department of Health, which experienced a significantly higher...

Disease and urban stresses claim 25 downtown trees

While trees in downtown Ottawa have now donned their yellow, orange and red leaves, 25 lifeless trees were removed in late September and early October by the National Capital Commission. Half had died because of Dutch elm disease, and others because of “urban and environmental stress,” according to the NCC. Among the removed trees were 14 elms, five lindens, four maples,...