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Category: News

Diet & Fitness

Lookahead ’21: Winter trail brings vital outdoor relief to Covid-challenged Britannia community

As Ottawa residents continue to weather the pandemic winter, volunteers with the Britannia Winter Trail Organization in the city’s west end have been working hard to provide a recreational outlet to help maintain the community’s mental and physical health. Dedicated to maintaining and improving six kilometres of natural trails in the Britannia Bay neighbourhood, BWTO officials say the outdoor amenity...

Lookahead ’21: Finding funds during pandemic poses key challenge for Rouge River protection group

The Rouge Valley Conservation Centre’s focus for 2021 is to shore up much-needed funding and restarting projects put on hold by the pandemic. The Toronto-area RVCC is a registered not-for-profit charity funded by grants and public donations. The organization, which promotes protection of the Rouge River Valley on its course from the Oak Ridges Moraine in Richmond Hill to Lake...

Lookahead ’21: Centre 507 cooks up a plan to remodel kitchen where 35,000 meals have been prepared since 1983

Officials with Centre 507, the adult drop-in centre in the heart of Ottawa, say they’ll be working hard in 2021 to deepen their connection with the community and step up the centre’s effort to improve services for those in need. This effort will be highlighted by a renovated and upgraded kitchen where some 35,000 meals have been prepared over the...